January 22, 2017
Montana Coaches Association MEDIA RELEASE
The Montana Coaches Association is pleased to announce that
11 Montana coaches and one Athletic Director have been selected as “Finalists” for
National High School Athletic Coaches Association (NHSACA) National Coach of the Year.
Assistant COTY, Boys’ – Dick McMahon, Helena Capital
Assistant COTY, Girls’ – Jim Kola, Glacier
Athletic Director of the Year – Gary DeGooyer, Great Falls Public Schools
Basketball, Boys’ – Paul Barta, Columbus
Cross Country, Boys’ – Mark Albert, Hamilton
Football – Les Meyer, Fairfield
Golf – Gregg Wasson, Harlowton
Softball – Larry Smith, Polson
Special Sports – Cheer/Spirit – Julie O’Dell, Hardin
Track & Field, Boys’ – Derek Schulz, Whitefish
Track & Field, Girls’ – Tad Schye, Malta
Volleyball – Iona Stookey, Huntley Project
8 Finalists are selected from across the nation in each sport category. This is a tremendous honor for Montana and for each of these well-deserved individuals.
Finalists will be honored during The National Coach of the Year Awards Banquet which will take place at the NHSACA National Convention in East Peoria, IL, on the evening of June 21, 2017. The highlight of the banquet will be the naming of the NHSACA National Coach of the Year in nineteen recognized sports categories. The nominees and finalists are evaluated by experts in the field of coaching, using a sport-specific rubric to assign points in each category. NHSACA was formed by coaches, for coaches, and has been recognizing National Coaches of the Year since 1978.
Friends, family and fellow coaches are encouraged to attend the convention and award ceremony. More information at http://www.hscoaches.org/