8 MCA Scholarships will be awarded to Montana high school athletes graduating in 2025
In 2025, the MCA will award a total of 8 scholarships to graduating senior athletes. Only one application is needed for students wishing to apply. Scholarships are presented at the MCA Awards Ceremony, in conjunction with the summer MCA Coaches Clinic.
The Ralph Halverson Scholarships
Two $1,600 scholarships will be available for Montana graduating senior athletes.
Ralph Halverson was the Executive Director of the Montana Coaches Association for over 40 years. This fund was created by the generosity of former Great Falls High School track & field standout Mark Reed. Ralph was a mentor to Mark as a young athlete. Mark donated $3,000 to fund a scholarship in Ralph’s name during a surprise visit to his former track coach at the 2012 MCA Clinic, and he has continued to generously donate each year.
Mark was a tremendous and memorable athlete for the GFHS track team. In 1983, he high jumped 7’2″, long jumped 23’2″ and triple jumped 47’1-1/2″, winning all three events at the State Track Meet in ’83. Coach Halverson, who passed away in May 2013, was extremely touched by Mark Reed’s philanthropy, and enjoyed sharing the memories of Mark’s high school, collegiate, and professional accomplishments.
To date, Mark has donated $22,000 to the scholarship and numerous other MCA members and friends of Ralph have donated an additional $28,000. What an outstanding way to honor and remember Ralph!
Frontier Conference Scholarships
Frontier Conference generously donates two $1500 scholarships. Recipients must attend Frontier Conference Schools (selected by MCA Scholarship criteria). Frontier Conference schools include: Arizona Christian University, Bellevue University, Bismarck State College, Carroll College, College of Idaho, Dakota State University, Dickinson State University, Eastern Oregon University, Mayville State University, Montana State University-Northern, Montana Technological University, University of Montana Western, Rocky Mountain College, Simson University, Southern Oregon University, University of Providence and Valley City State University.
Montana Coaches Association Scholarships
The MCA gives four $1,000 scholarships to athletes selected by MCA Scholarship criteria. MCA is proud to be able to assist Montana athletes in this tangible way.
The electronic application form for all 8 Scholarships, is available here: Scholarship Form
Questions: Contact the MCA Scholarship Chairman, Brenda Clark | Phone: 406.799.0222 | Email: [email protected]
The Frontier Conference is a sponsor of our scholarships. We appreciate their generosity!